
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, January 9, 2012

A day in the life....

of the Waind Party of Six!!

Here is the abbreviated schedule that we follow loosely....I have become more "loose" as these boys have aged ;) When they were younger (crazy to say that!) being strict with the schedule was a must- fitting in all those bottles was a lot of work. We now follow a schedule that has been working really well for us the last few weeks.

6:45amish- trips start chattering so Ben and I get up to make bottles before getting them up
7amish- change diapers and give 1st bottles (Brody usually wakes about this time as well)
7:15am-8amish- play time (Ben leaves for work and takes B to gma Chari's most days)
8/8:15amish- breakfast in high chairs (waffles, fruit, pancakes, oatmeal, etc.)
9amish (sometimes 9:30)- nap time #1
10amish- Evan always gets up first!
10:30amish- Riley....and then Payton wake up
10:30am- get the boys dressed and playtime
11:15amish- lunch time (baby food and finger foods)
11:45am-12:30pmish- play time
12:30pmish-2pmish- nap time
2pmish- bottle #2
2:30pm-4:30pmish- play time (a good time to get out of the house for appts and errands)
4:30pmish- dinner (veggies, noodles, crackers, baby food, etc)
5pm-6pm- play time (crazy time!!! they aren't as happy in the evenings :( )
6pm- diapers and pj's
6:15pm- bottle #3 and gigglebellies ;)
6:45pm- sleepsacks and nighty night!!

Now this is in a perfect world :) I am sometimes lucky to get out of the house with the boys and a girlfriend (or Ben on the wknd) and they just nap when they want in the stroller.  I really don't venture out solo with all 3 of them that's just too dang cold! I always feel like I won't get them all out of their carseats and into the stroller fast enough by myself or someone will freeze. I know, I need to man up and just do it!!!

Now here is a look at all that in pictures :) ('s a LOT of pics!!)

 wakey wakey....playtime after bottles

 It doesn't take E and R long to find their fav spot is the sweet FEMA trailer

 Payton loves the stacking cups

 Brody gets a little car racing in before getting dressed

 Waffle time!!!

 Ben and Brody are ready for an excellent day!

 More play time after breakfast

 Riley doesn't mind if he does invade big bro's cars while he is gone ;)

 Always the 1st one up from nap time and dressed

 Riley is quite the challenge to dress these days, it's just easier if we do it standing

 Play time...waiting for Payton to get up!

 Mommy gets some tea

 P is up and ready to be changed!

 I attempted to give them a little snack in can see how well that went ;)

In to their high chairs and ready for some lunch

 Enjoying a little change of scenery in Brody's room

 Yayyy!! Daddy's home for his lunch break!

 Payton still loves the jumpers, he's like a jack rabbit in these things

 One last play before helping me lay the boys down for their 2nd nap

 The boys are up and thirsty for bottle #2!

 On this particular day Payton had his weekly PT appt so Cousin Kim and Auntie Bev came over to play with the others!

 They also picked up Brody from Grandma's on their way so they could take him out for some tutti fruiti fro-yo afterwards for a treat :)

 My solo "date" with sweet P at physical therapy (he is doing great!)

 Nancy rocks! P loves her lots :)

 Made it home in time to get some dinner made and on the "tray"

 Just being silly with Grandma Sharon after dinner

Grandma Sharon came over on this day since we had an open house to take Brody to for a NEW pre-school!!! He is so excited to start next week!!!

 Grandma and her boys

 Finishing up the bottles

One last snack before bed....Gma's cellphone hasn't worked the same since ;)

It was a FULL day...probably why I forgot to take pics of B at the open house and his bedtime :( Bad Mommy!!! This was also the last "normal" day in our FEMA trailer. The next morning was the burst water pipe fiasco and our schedule hasn't been the same since! We are getting into a "new" routine (dang, I am sick of saying that!) but it is working well....hectic at times but what else would we expect??!!?!

So that's an abbreviated look into our days....I wouldn't want to bore you with the tasks of showering, vacuuming, dishes, laundry, shopping, blogging, bill paying, etc, and all that fun stuff we try to fit in to, now would I? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post and all the great pictures. It is helpful knowing where we are headed - seems like we are on track. Oh, and we love Brody's shirt. Go Ducks!
