
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I am hoping posting this will give me some inspiration for an "after" photo! I love our new house in our new wonderful neighborhood- but it is definitely lacking some color. Color of the flower kind that is. I would like to spruce it up a bit within the next week or so- you know, with all our free time ;) Plants are expensive and with our limited budget after the big move I will have to start small and will accept any donations from my Portland Friends of you need to thin out your gardens. I am sure there is a proper time of year that those with green thumbs do that sort of thing- since mine aren't green you will have to let me know. The boys had a good day- one walk with Dad while I was at work and one with Mom after I got home! We are checking things off our to-do list and looking forward to a warm 4th of July.

1 comment:

  1. Your house is ADORABLE! Welcome back... hopefully there will be a little sunshine to enjoy :-)
