
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter Eggs and Jelly Beans

Better late than never :) Too many cute pictures to choose from, so here you go!

 Evan, he didn't need to keep looking for eggs after he found his first one filled with a few jelly beans ;)

 Riley also enjoyed the sugary treat

 Brody was very excited!!

 We had a second egg hunt in the backyard after naps- we were lucky to have a beautiful weekend!

 Riley was a pro after the morning practice inside :)

 Evan still prefered one egg at a time ;)

 PJ found some too!

 Time for the bubble works much better without 30 little fingers trying to plug the hole

 Evan is happy with his find

 Riley being cheesy. These next pictures are actually from the next day, It was great to come home from work and still get to play with the boys outside!





 Brody got to test out the hot tub, and he loved it! We will have to wait to get all 4 in there until we have some friends or family over to help :) (G&G Waind were here but they forgot their suits!!)

Love this one of Riley

Easter Weekend was our first weekend in our new house, and we loved every minute of it! We were fortunate to have G&G Waind here to help (more pics to come) and in the last few weeks we have gotten almost completely settled- it feels good. We don't have enough furniture to fill up this big old house so the boys are enjoying a lot of open spaces to run, play and dance.

1 comment:

  1. They don't come any cuter than this!!��������
