
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thank You

Thank you for all your thoughts and well-wishes today (family and facebook friends :) )

We thought 2012 was going to be our year!! Now, a week in and we grasping for strength to make yet another move, probably followed by another move into temporary housing and then another move when the "original" flooded house is finished. Yes- we have been flooded again. Mind you this is nothing in comparison but when a cardboard FEMA trailer has Niagara Falls shooting out of the wall and filling the floor to an inch deep of water they call that demolished. Luckily the babies were safe sleeping in their cribs for their morning nap. I on the other hand, was not so lucky. I was in the shower when I heard something strange on the other side of the wall (they are practically cardboard walls so you can hear everything). I turned the shower off and could still hear the loud spraying and instantly knew something very bad had happened. I ran out of the bathroom (without a towel of course) and was shot in the face with water, spraying across our kitchen and living room and filling the floor up fast. I grabbed a kitchen towel to cover the air return-vent-thingy that it was shooting out of (because that will help!) and quickly got electrocuted from the Keurig that was on and plugged in- OUCH!!! My phone was under water and wouldn't dial out so I got on the computer and tried to instant message Ben at work to have him call FEMA maintenance ASAP and COME HOME!!! He didn't respond. So I through on a jacket and pants and ran outside. There was a semi truck running across the "street" but it was empty. So I scanned the neighbors and took a guess at one I thought was occupied. I chose the right one!! Two men, staring at me like I was crazy with dripping wet hair, partially clothed and probably talking gibberish. They gave me their phone and ran over to our trailer, took off the outside paneling and turned off the water! It's like they were angels, how did they know what panel to take off to find the water supply?? I owe them some baked goods :) Long story short, kinda, the trailer is wrecked along with some personal belongings and electronics and we need to have everything out by Sunday. Not sure what our next move will be, we have had some generous offers and are extremely grateful at the gestures in themselves. Moving out this weekend will be our 4th move since June, not any easy task with triplets and toddler- heck you should see how much we pack just to go to the mall for 1 day!! All of our family and friends are amazing and supportive and we thank you all. xoxo

p.s. in case you can't tell, the "day in photos" I promised yesterday has been postponed ;-)


  1. No worries on the "promised" post. Clearly there are far more important tasks to handle. I can only imagine the magnitude of packing up triplets plus a toddler. We have a van full just to go to dinner for a couple hours. :) Take care and best wishes.

  2. oh my goodness Brooke! I am so sorry for all you guys are having to go through! i wish there was some way I could help!! 2012 has to be a better year for you guys!

  3. Praying for you girl! God will see you through this too! Hugs1
