
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, January 21, 2012

1 year ago

Here is a copy of the blog post I did after the triplets were born, I discussed what I was doing the night before the big day!!

"As many of you know the trips arrived on 1-22-11 at 8:45-8:48am! I was actually discharged on the 21st hoping to at least enjoy being home through the weekend, but they had their own agenda. I spent the 21st catching up on DVR'd shows, watching Brody play, being well fed, and a much needed looooong shower at home to revive my spirits!

I woke up at 4:30am on the 22nd to have my usual Fiber One bar (I was still on the hospital schedule of course!)within 20 minutes of being up I started having consistent contractions that were "crampier" than usual. I laid in bed hoping that they would settle down, I really did not want to end up being re-admitted so quickly! I think I woke Ben up at 6:30am telling him to get in the shower as we needed to at least go into L&D triage. I was very firm that if I wasn't dilating we would come home, I didn't want to believe that these were actually the real thing. At some point while Ben was showering I went in and told him that we needed to go "now" as I was being doubled over in pain by this point. We repacked the same bags we just unpacked the night before and were out the door by 7am.

I emailed my Dr from the car ride as she was on-call and was a fellow BB addict like myself ;) I told her if this wasn't labor I didn't know what was! As we were checking in she was on the phone with secretary prepping them with an order as she drove in, I love her!

As soon as I was changed the chaos started. Dr. L walked in to check me and sure enough I was already at 6cm, progressing quickly and in a lot of pain! Dr L headed to change and we weren't far behind in meeting the rest of the team in the OR. Since this was just meant to be a quick update as I will just say for now that by 8:45am we were meeting Mr. Evan Lyal, followed by Payton James and then Riley Warren!! It was (and continues to be) a very surreal experience.

Many more details to come, but for now thank you all for your prayers and support! They have brought us so far as all 3 boys are doing great and so is Mom!! Ben has been amazing, as usual, he already has the "baby cares" down like a pro and I get tears just watching him take such great pride in his boys. My recovery is allowing me to become more involved today and I can't wait to get back down there (NICU) after we have some time with Brody before Uncle T takes him home :)

**sorry for any errors as I type this on my iPad and fully medicated with no proof reading or editing! I am sure you can understand, haha"

Just reading that again myself takes me back to that time, a time I don't ever want to forget. I feel like if I continue to read my blog over and over it will stay fresh and clear. A truly amazing gift we were given. We have 4 beautiful boys, wow. Those early days do still seem like a dream (maybe it was the post-surgery drugs...haha!!), but the best dream ever. Even with all of our battles and scares I was able to watch three healthy boys chow down on breakfast this morning in pure awe. They made it! We made it! What.A.Blessing.

Here are a few pics of their 1st days, 12 months ago....

 My FABULOUS Dr L and Dr M scrubbing in...

 Dad anxiously awaiting the ok to come into the OR...

 Mom...scared, anxious, hopeful, elated....

 A nurse took pictures with Ben's first moments with the boys, this is Evan..

 Evan again without the CPAP on...

 Mom touching Payton for the 1st time...he still holds on to us and never wants to let go (pretty symbolic when we remember his first weeks of us barely getting to hold him, he never wanted us to put him down when we were able to hold him)

Riley, bright eyed and inquisitive from the get-go....something that has never changed!!

Evan, Payton and Riley,

You are our miracle babies; a shocking, spontaneous surprise that no one could have ever imagined. We have experienced every emotion possible since the day we found out there was going to be 3! But the strongest of all is LOVE. You have brought so much into our lives that we could never have imagined. You have the best big brother that loves you to pieces, even when he doesn't want to share his cars- he does, because he loves you!! You all have hearts of gold and warm so many lives each and every day, you are true blessings.


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