Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!
Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
14 Weeks!
I don't know who asks to see my growing belly more, my Mom or my sister Sam! Here you go ladies!! We had an unexpected trip to the Perinatologists this last week, everything turned out to be ok, just a major scare for us!! We realize that it was probably the first of many scares, but I don't think it will ever get easier. I was sent home for some rest after a couple hours of bleeding, she offered a bed rest prescription, but I kindly declined :) The Dr measured my uterus and said I am measuring between 20-22 weeks already!!
Since we had this extra appointment the US techs wanted to take another "guess" at the sex. Babies A and B were not very telling, and then there was C, showing a very small glimpse of what might be the beginning of a baby pee-pee! I didn't have much to say and quickly changed the subject ;) Ben, on the other hand, is now convinced that we are having 3 more boys, YIKES!!! Time will tell I guess....
Brody is such a lover these days, when you ask for a kiss he really goes for it!!! We have been talking to him more about being a big brother, at times he shows excitement, others...not so much. We were leaving daycare last week and he stopped to wave bye to the babies like he always does. He then said, "I love babies!" With excitement I said "How would you like 3 babies at home??" Brody said "No Mommy, no babies at home." This got quite the rise out of the daycare teachers of course.
xoxo, BBB
Thursday, September 9, 2010
12 Week 5 Day Ultrasound

The babes were quite impressive to the sonographer who said if they continue to scan this great they might just be her favorites! Baby C did seem to have the most spunk this time around, he was moving all over the place, it was magical to watch. The US measured them all at exactly the same size- 13 weeks, which is also great news! They also noted that they were all drinking the amniotic fluid and their stomach, kidneys and bladder all appeared to be working away.
We don't see the Perinatologist until October 5th, after which we will have an US and appointment every-other-week. In the meantime, you can expect more pictures that we will get from going to Ben's work, the US techs there are happy to scan me- not many people get to see triplets very often. I will be checking next week again to see if the genitalia are prominent, at this last scan they were undifferentiated....I take this as a huge positive, I still have a chance that they will be girls! The tech gave me a 51% chance, I was so ecstatic and all Ben could do was laugh at me :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Our prayer list and some wishes upon a star!!
We are well into our 12th week and couldn't be more excited! Making it to the second trimester is our first "milestone" to be proud of in our book ;) Yes, there are MANY more milestones to meet and a looooong way to go, but for now we are happy with our progress.
We have many things to be happy for but also have a very long prayer list.Here are a few of our daily prayers....
1. To maintain the health and strength to carry these miraculous babies long enough for a safe delivery. NO 2010 BABIES PLEASE!!!
2. For trusting that we have 3 healthy babes growing inside me without going through any of the genetic health scares we endured when Brody was just 15 weeks gestation, of course everything turned out perfect but it was a scary 2 weeks that I hope to not experience this time around. (we have our 1st genetic screening test, the nuchal fold scan, tomorrow morning. I should have a good picture post to share after that!!)
3. Praying for continued stability with our careers during these tough economic times so we can provide for growing family! (including not too early bed rest for me)
4. That this little glimpse of feeling good I have had the past few days is going to be the
new trend for the 2nd trimester and not just a fluke because I have had a long weekend of rest and no work! (I haven't even taken a Zofran (for nausea) yet today and I feel pretty darn good!!)
These are just the tip of the iceberg and I am sure I will post many more as days go on, we are lucky to have so many friends and family keeping us in their prayers :)
Now, just a few things off my wish list! I should say OUR wish list because I'm SURE Ben shares them as well!
1. That I somehow won't get as big as house, even though I know it is inevitable.
2. For 3 baby girls! (***note to self, remember to change this post if our gender US shows 3 baby boys, which would be just as nice ;) )
3. For no stretch marks!! I got pretty big when I was pregnant with Brody and lucky me, I never got a single one! I bounced back really easily, am I naive to think I could be so lucky again?? I have heard it is genetic and my Mom never got any either, but can genetics trump triplets when talking about stretch marks?? I am hoping so. I have been looking into preventative measures and have heard good things about products by mama mio skincare. Does anyone have any experience with these products or something similar? I made a wish list on their website, but I haven't made any purchases yet...not sure how long I can wait though! I will probably have to go through many bottles!
Brooke's Wish List at Mama Mio
4. That mini-vans are all the rage in 2011!
5. That all Brody's well mannerisms and contentedness rub off on his little siblings, we could not ask for a more perfect big brother!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH BRODY!!!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!
Brooke, Ben, & Brody
We have many things to be happy for but also have a very long prayer list.
1. To maintain the health and strength to carry these miraculous babies long enough for a safe delivery. NO 2010 BABIES PLEASE!!!
2. For trusting that we have 3 healthy babes growing inside me without going through any of the genetic health scares we endured when Brody was just 15 weeks gestation, of course everything turned out perfect but it was a scary 2 weeks that I hope to not experience this time around. (we have our 1st genetic screening test, the nuchal fold scan, tomorrow morning. I should have a good picture post to share after that!!)
3. Praying for continued stability with our careers during these tough economic times so we can provide for growing family! (including not too early bed rest for me)
4. That this little glimpse of feeling good I have had the past few days is going to be the
new trend for the 2nd trimester and not just a fluke because I have had a long weekend of rest and no work! (I haven't even taken a Zofran (for nausea) yet today and I feel pretty darn good!!)
These are just the tip of the iceberg and I am sure I will post many more as days go on, we are lucky to have so many friends and family keeping us in their prayers :)
Now, just a few things off my wish list! I should say OUR wish list because I'm SURE Ben shares them as well!
1. That I somehow won't get as big as house, even though I know it is inevitable.
2. For 3 baby girls! (***note to self, remember to change this post if our gender US shows 3 baby boys, which would be just as nice ;) )
3. For no stretch marks!! I got pretty big when I was pregnant with Brody and lucky me, I never got a single one! I bounced back really easily, am I naive to think I could be so lucky again?? I have heard it is genetic and my Mom never got any either, but can genetics trump triplets when talking about stretch marks?? I am hoping so. I have been looking into preventative measures and have heard good things about products by mama mio skincare. Does anyone have any experience with these products or something similar? I made a wish list on their website, but I haven't made any purchases yet...not sure how long I can wait though! I will probably have to go through many bottles!
Brooke's Wish List at Mama Mio
4. That mini-vans are all the rage in 2011!
5. That all Brody's well mannerisms and contentedness rub off on his little siblings, we could not ask for a more perfect big brother!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH BRODY!!!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!
Brooke, Ben, & Brody
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