
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tuckered Out!!

Jess sent me this pic yesterday saying that the boys were resting after a scavenger hunt outside. Yes, we have the best nanny. Ever. Ben has been unable to lift the boys since last Saturday (he needs a new back :( ). Jess has been there for us all week- poor girl has had to keep up with my crazy work schedule! She brought me a latte at 6:15am yesterday morning so I could be out the door by 6:30 for work! Sadly I wasn't home until 10pm. I am waiting patiently to hear a sign of waking babies (yes, they are still my babies) so I can snuggle my boys! I know after a few minutes of that I can expect my big boy to come running out yelling "Moommmmmyyyy!!!, you're home from work!!!" We will find Zeke and I will try and get as many details out about his day yesterday before leaving for work again. Looking forward to some weekend snuggles with everyone :) and a less eventful week next week!

1 comment:

  1. Two weeks from today we will be looking forward to our first chance in six months to hold the Portland Waind kids! Can't wait! Gpa & Gma W
