
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

4,000 calories!!

So the book my OB suggested I read after learning of the triplets has a chapter on nutritional guidelines that gives the goal of consuming 4,000 calories a day!! I guess the idea is to plump up the babes as early as possible in case of an early arrival, knowing that there is no way a mother carrying multiples is able to fit much into her belly towards the end of pregnancy term. Makes sense I guess, but I haven't been able to stomach 4,000 yet! Ben is always trying to help and brought home dinner....and dessert tonight! He has once again proven why I love him so much!!! haha. Honestly he takes the best care of me and I couldn't be more proud of him as a Daddy and Hubby :)

I am going to see a nutritionist next week to help me come up with a plan to keep me and the babes healthy and growing, I will let you know how that goes, for's time to eat!
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