
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, November 19, 2010

23 Weeks!

Wow, 23 weeks!! Next week will be our first milestone (24=earliest viability) and we are looking forward to making the next milestones as well (28, 30, 32, and 34 would be grand!!!) It has been eventful to say the least since I last posted. We had a great baby shower and will post pics on that really soon, I am still waiting to get some more pics from others ;)

Grandpa and Grandma Waind were out here for a nice visit last week as well. They helped us prepare the guest room for the conversion and set up Brody in his 1st big boy bed!! I will update his blog too ;) It was great to have them here to help us out and be at our babies shower! Auntie Haley drove in the same day (Tuesday) they left for a visit and to hang out with Brody while we worked, and boy did it turn out to be a blessing she was here!! (keep reading....)

Wednesday morning I got ready for a work conference that I was going to attend after my 23 week US and Dr appointment. The US showed all the boys looking great and even "chubbing" up a bit! They didn't look so skeletal, which made me happy. Dr. L was not so happy to see that my cervix had shortened over 1 cm since my last check 2 weeks ago. I am still a few mm away from being in the "danger zone." I was told to do the bare minimum over the next week and lay down for most of day. She is having me come in on Wednesday for a cervix check and said "hopefully it won't be changed, I don't want my partner to have to admit you!" (she will be out of the office) Yikes! Admit me?? Just where I want to spend my Thanksgiving! So, to home I went and started the horizontal orders.

As the day went on I realized that every time I got up to use the restroom or get something to eat, or move to the couch to visit with Brody and Haley, I would have constant contractions. After dinner I was laying on the couch for almost 2 hours having contractions about every 10 minutes. Nurse Haley said I better call L&D advice. They wanted me to come in and get checked out, which has always been our fear- do we wake Brody up and take him with? Call a friend?? We were lucky this time that Haley was there to save the day :) The night ended with a Terbutaline prescription to stop the contractions and more orders for rest. The good thing is that these contractions aren't causing me to dilate, but I am wondering if they are what is causing my cervix to shorten?? We will see on the 24th if all this rest is helping things out~ lets hope so!!! Thank you Haley for 2 days of constant Brody (and Mommy) care!! I am not sure that is what she had in mind for her visit, but we couldn't have appreciated it more!
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  1. Hi Brooke! We're praying for an UNeventful pg, K?!! Looking forward to good check ups next week! Hugs!

  2. Oh my take good care of yourself! I actually had to ask for bed rest otherwise the doc may not have ever put me on it, can you believe it?

  3. Thanks Angela!

    Janet- no, I can't believe it ;) you have one impressive uterus! Hope you and the boys are all doing well.
