When people meet the triplets they always say that Payton looks the most like Brody; Ben and I say "huh??" (even though they are identical they each have a distinct look- I know, weird right?? I even went back to the Dr after they were born just to make sure they were identical- yep she said, the pathology came back that my placenta was monochorionic! I am sure since they have all had different delays in their growth/health since they were born that that also gives them their own 'look' ;) ) Ok- back from the tangent. I think that Payton looks the most mature of the triplets and that he looks more like how Brody looks now as a toddler, but here is a picture from when Brody was the triplets age and I think he looks just like Evan! And Riley too, but mostly Evan. It will be a trip if they continue to look as much like their big brother as they grow up as they do now~ you better lock your little girls up now my friends, haahaa!!

Look at my handsome hubby too! I use to love his long hair but I have to say that he gets better looking with age :) At least he chose to buzz his hair off before we even found out we were having triplets so there wasn't much left to fall out, ha! I love looking back at old pictures like this but have to remind myself not to compare the triplets with what Brody was doing at their age- which is hard and I often find myself saying- "..but Brody was sitting at 6months!" It's not apples to apples, they were 2 months premature and I know that, I just am a typical mom who loves new milestones and seeing my boys grow :) I also feel bad that I use to post about 100+ pictures of Brody EVERY WEEK on my web album for family to see and now I am lucky to make a new web album of the boys now every other month! Oh well, I am getting use to and accepting changes these days.
We were able to go to the flooded house this weekend and get some more windows installed and try to see what else we can do now that it's nice and dry. I try to stay optimistic, but there is still oh-so-much-to-do!!! One of my uncles is coming this weekend to put in our duct work and HVAC and then we need to figure out exactly what hoops we have to jump through to get the electrical pulled. Things have been working out so far when I have thought "there is no possible way" so I am hoping (praying) that we will continue to be blessed and somehow get our family of 6 in our own home once again before we are to far into winter.
We are looking forward to a beautiful wedding weekend at Lake Metigoshe and have been "prepping" Brody for walking down the aisle as one of the ring bearers, but who knows whats going to happen when its actually time...I am sure it will be perfect regardless ;)
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