
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Whats happenin...

Payton loves to eat! Evan loves his belly! Riley loves to laugh! ...and Brody has a fever, boo.

We have been keeping busy, per usual. We started in the infant development program here in Minot, similar to the "early intervention" team we were set up with in Portland. We have always known that Payton has a flat spot on the right back side of his head from always looking to the right, but at their first visit they pointed out to me that his torticullis is even worse and his spine is taking on a c-curve. After they left I, of course, became obsessed! Why didn't we notice this before?? It's SO obvious!! So we have been stretching and doing therapy to get him to bend the other way. He had his first visit with a chiropractor yesterday and did great. Dr. R said that he has seen more severe cases, but that Payton's is definitely moderate. True to his form (always being a few weeks behind due to his rough start at life), Payton is now rolling over to his tummy much more and able to hold his head up for longer periods of time, way to go- P! I know he will have no troubles getting over this next hurdle, he has proved that to us many times over. I mentioned he likes to eat, which is good since he still drinks the least amount of formula. But boy does he love his solids! He screams when you take too long  in between bites, at the threat of not getting anymore I am sure. He is such a clean eater he doesn't even need a bib, it cracks me up. Evan likes to eat but is a major slop about it and Riley likes to take it in and still push most of it right back out. They crack me up.

Evan does love his belly, he wants to crawl so bad but just isn't strong enough to get where he wants to go. He also flips over in his crib when we put him down at night. They are no longer being swaddled and just use sleep sacks so they have more freedom from the "woombie." (best purchase, EVER!) It does freak Ben out though to see him with his face planted down in the video monitor, all Drs scare the bejesus out of you with SIDS these days, so I totally get it. I love that he goes in before we go to bed ourselves to hear him breath even if we can see his back rising and falling on the monitor. <3

Riley is such a character. Brody was making him laaauugh yesterday, it was great! I need to have Brody entertain them more often :) Ri-guy has been very laid back lately and I love it. I guess they all take turns with this "title", which is a good thing. 

Brody has decided to spike a fever and even joined me in bed this morning at 5am for some cuddling and another dose of tylenol. I think he just has a cold-bug, fingers crossed. With out luck over the last 6 months we can't help but think the worse anytime anyone of our boys shows some kind of sickness or change in personality. Minot has been good (health-wise) to us thus far, so it better keep it up! I so want to cancel the Aflac policy we signed up for when I was preggers (any mom pregnant with multiples ask me about this ASAP so you can cash in too!) with the trips, but I don't want to jinx our "healthy run" we have been having.

We are looking forward to a "date night" this Saturday- the Black Eyed Peas concert! They are doing a benefit concert for the Minot Flood 2011 fund and we are looking forward to a night out with friends :) For my non-Minot friends- Josh Duhamel (Fergie's Hubby) is from Minot and has been helping raise money for our city. Yes, I am not afraid to admit that I was a past "stalker" of Josh Duhamel. Ben is probably sick of hearing these stories (sorry honey!!) but I would go to Oak Park Pool as a kid EVERY day when he was a lifeguard during his college years just to see him up on that stand....ahhh...swoon. And then my girlfriends and I would go and try on shoes when we knew he was working at Athletic Fitters in the mall, or just watch from afar while pretending to look at CDs (haha, remember Courntey!!) The tickets are $100 each and all the benefits are going to the flood victims, even though we are flood victims ourselves we are shelling out the money to go, hoping to catch a glimpse of ol' Joshie. Oh, and for the music too :) Oh, and because I am making Ben come with me :) Love you babe!

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