
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Simply Thick Update

We received a letter today from our lawyer stating the the FDA's preliminary report indicated that they found a contaminant of Bacillus cereus in the Simply Thick product of question. Our lawyer, from PritzkerOlsen, are also doing further testing with the samples of Simply Thick that we provided to them. This is all still so fresh in my mind and heart that I can't help but cry when I think about what Evan went through for 6 long weeks in the children's hospital fighting for his life- it breaks my heart. Just this last Friday I was driving home with Brody and saw an ambulance in front of me- it was at the same time Brody was talking to me about Dr. McPhee from Portland because we were leaving an appointment and it reminded him of her (we love and miss Dr. MP!!!)....I was overwhelmed with feelings and flashbacks of my ambulance ride with Evan when I honestly didn't know if Payton and Riley would grow up with their identical big brother. I get torn between these emotions because they are so painful to remember but also something I never want to forgot. I think they defined a part of us that will never be changed. Evan was a fighter and he pulled through to keep our family together and we will be forever grateful for this. Wow, we have came such a long way- even if his future health is still at risk. I will never forget telling Ben that EPR were a package deal and Evan had to make it- he did, and they are!! xoxo

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