The trips, Stef and I braved the cold and snow to take the boys to their 10 month well child check with Dr. C. It was a mini-reunion at the Ped's Office as we ran into my friend Jerica and her new sweet pea, Elias, as well as another triplet mom who just brought home the last of her trio from the NICU! He was OH-SO-TINY- brought back lots of memories :) I can't wait to meet the other two! We didn't get to chat long as I was consumed with my sweetie, Payton....again.
I was anxious to bring the boys in today, I needed to make sure Payton's ear infections cleared up and get his weight checked (remember the last appt he had barely gained anything) and wanted to make sure E and R didn't have any infections to explain their craziness this week (nope- just colds). Well, I started to tell Dr. C about how Payton was sweating SO MUCH lately, in fact when we got him out of his car seat it was like he was drenched from a bath. He was in a snowsuit but so were his brothers and they were not wet at all. The Doc started asking questions like "He was the one with the open PDA at birth?" -Yes "Does he tire when he eats?" -yes, "Does he cough a lot?" -yes "Is he eating good but not gaining weight?" -yes!!! Worried-Mommy mode kicked in when he left the room to call the lab to have them come over for a blood draw. When he returned I asked him what he was thinking and he started out talking about possible anemia and then possible hyperthyroidism and that's why he ordered the labs. He then said he was going to send us down for a chest x-ray to check not only his cough but to look into congestive heart failure. WHAT!?!?!???!!! Mama-bear doesn't like!! My mind started going a bit crazy reverting back to Evan's peds appt when he was really sick and where that ended us up at (Payton was in no where near this condition, but scary nonetheless). I had to snap out of that real quick!
I am waiting to hear back about the labs tomorrow and hopefully the final read on the chest x-ray. We were also scheduled for Payton to have an echo-cardiogram on Monday (which is way to far away IMO!!) I am not going to go down any paths until we know anything for sure.......but it may be too late for that :(
Here is EPR looking so cute (even with their sad, cold-sick eyes) in their snowsuits :)
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!
Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
berries!! We tried dried blueberries today that I brought home from Trader Joe's in PDX (sniff, sniff!!) and the trips gobbled them right up. I was a lucky mama as one of my girlfriends happen to stop by riiiigght at the perfect time- bath time!! (sidenote- I had TWO girlfriends visit today...that helped me not leaving this small trailer much more bearable ;) ) Kara and I got pretty wet along with the boys, I was lucky to have her help- the boys have been on a roll this week!! (teething? cold? new schedule? all of thee above?? UGH!!!)
Monday, November 28, 2011
...of what our future grocery bills are going to be! I could not keep the pancakes and bananas coming fast enough for these growing boys this morning.
We are converting to a more "big boy" schedule now that they are wanting more and more table food. Changing schedules is hard and I am hoping that tomorrow will be a better day! Schedules are both a blessing and a curse but the benefits far outweigh the occasional hiccups so we will continue on :)
All this table food makes for some MESSY boys! Bibs hardly keep their clothes clean and I have enough laundry to do already to worry about changing outfits just because they have some food smashed in to their pants, so just ignore the future pictures of filth, I am doing the best I can ;)
We are converting to a more "big boy" schedule now that they are wanting more and more table food. Changing schedules is hard and I am hoping that tomorrow will be a better day! Schedules are both a blessing and a curse but the benefits far outweigh the occasional hiccups so we will continue on :)
All this table food makes for some MESSY boys! Bibs hardly keep their clothes clean and I have enough laundry to do already to worry about changing outfits just because they have some food smashed in to their pants, so just ignore the future pictures of filth, I am doing the best I can ;)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Weekend Recap
We had a great holiday weekend! We ate lots, spent time with family and friends, did some shopping, saw the tree light up downtown, me a friends new baby (Congrats, Maxson Family~ E is too dang sweet!!), went out to dinner with friends, and even danced a little :) Needless to say, we are exhausted!!!
Thanks to our wonderful families and friends for making our weekend so special and full of love :)
Another shot of EPR being too stinking cute
The Waind cousins after Thanksgiving dinner at G&G Wainds
The awesome aunties/grandmas that take the best care of our boys!
Brody and Brynn waiting for the xmas tree lighting
April and I with our munchkins :)
The tree all lit up!
Thanks to our wonderful families and friends for making our weekend so special and full of love :)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Buy handheld vac....check!

I was changing Evan's diaper while Payton was jumping and Riley was cruising. Riley often ends up underneath the jumperoo's- he likes a challenge. I noticed that he was chewing on something and thought maybe it was his tongue, as he often does, but was glad I did the scoop and sweep and pulled out a hard chunk of dried up leftovers that he found while exploring. He got quite mad when I took it away too, go figure.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Cheese and Clappers
Evan loves to clap these days and Brody likes it when his brothers imitate him :)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I can't help but be thankful to be surrounded by these boys, how lucky am I??
I am having some technical difficulties with the pictures from yesterday's post....hopefully I will have time to fix that soon :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I am having some technical difficulties with the pictures from yesterday's post....hopefully I will have time to fix that soon :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
10 Months, take 2
The photos I posted yesterday were actually from earlier in the week and not on the 10 month mark exactly (gasp!!!!) These are the pictures I took yesterday for the 10 month blog, but as you can see- they didn't turn out the greatest! Yes, the boys always look adorable but trying to get them to sit together has become quite the challenge when home alone. We are getting holiday pictures taken on the 3rd....should be fun ;)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
10 Months!!
It's hard to believe these boys are already 10 months old! That's like 2 months away from turning ONE!!! Oh my gosh. They are changing so much with every week that passes...and also bring so many new worries for this mom as well. Why aren't they drinking their formula? How are they going to continue to grow those sweet brains and bones on a mere 12-17oz a day?? Are they getting everything they need? Why is Payton so skinny? Why is Evan vomitting? Does he have an obstruction? Are they getting enough fresh air during this freezing cold season? Do you have an ear infection? Oh no, do you? Geeesh, if it's not one thing, it's another.
Don't get me wrong, overall the boys are doing great. I do sometimes forget who pooped last or when (helpful to know when the Dr asks when discussing vomitting) or if Payton practiced sitting on his knees or took his vitamins, etc, etc. We are all surviving though :)
Evan: Evan continues to be a mirror of baby Brody- in looks and actions. Such a gentle soul, full of smiles. Melts hearts. Loves to talk! Rolls all over, scoots sometimes. Claps his hands and waves bye-bye. He is a big boy and makes me proud of how far he has came!!
Payton: Oh, Payton- what a sweetie. He is a snuggle-up-a-gus if I ever met one. He lights UP for his mommy- this biggest grins ever :) He is loved by many and fussed over always. Just as we start to worry he proves us wrong and picks up the pace (he finally started grasping cheerios this week!) Payton loves to sit and take it all in. He loves his brothers more than anything. He rolls and tries oh-so-hard to scoot after Riley! He may be a sweet-lil-pea but he has the biggest heart.
Riley: Riley, Riley, are going to keep us on our toes! He is still the most inquisitive and always has to know what's going on. As of late he is quite "needy" as well, and now that he can crawl he can make his way to you and beg to be picked up! He lights up a room with his big grin. He is such a flirt! He's quite the explorer and scares us at times- but his mischief keeps us laughing and wandering what's next :)
I couldn't decide which pics to can you with babes this darn cute!?!?
Payton playing peek-a-boo
Riley finding his way into Brody room's...where the best cars are stashed
The best pic I could get with them all looking forward (REP)
They are just up from a nap, they wake up sweaty and P has the best waves ;)
The usual bantering starts in...
These boys!!!
Got it, Mom!!
I love P's sweet eyes in the back
Do I look like big-bro Brody?? Can't get any closer than this!!
xoxooxooo my sweet little 10 MONTH OLDS!!!!!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Everyone loves the underdog
Payton is often in the middle of the doggypile. His sweet demeanor makes him so loveable and cuddly….I have heard whispers of him being certain peoples "favorite" not that they would ever admit to it!
I'm not sure how the next moments played out exactly, but I am thinking that Evan was picking on P which caused him to take a swat at Evan's paci to knock it out...
a little bit more of the swatting...
Payton going in for the goods...
Evan trying to interfere....
I can't help but give Payton some praises when he sticks up for himself and steals a paci for once, we all know they steal his all too often!
I'm not sure how the next moments played out exactly, but I am thinking that Evan was picking on P which caused him to take a swat at Evan's paci to knock it out...
a little bit more of the swatting...
Payton going in for the goods...
Evan trying to interfere....
I can't help but give Payton some praises when he sticks up for himself and steals a paci for once, we all know they steal his all too often!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Big Blue Bucket
This is how we bath when we are only equipped with a shower :) Brody loves his big blue bucket. Oh the memories we are making!
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