
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, May 28, 2011

4 month WELL child check-up!

Evan enjoying a nice full bath now that he is all healed up! It's glorious to see (and keep) clean water throughout the bath :) He has 2 incisions that are healing nicely (the red spots are from the tape/gauze)
Cute shirts from Auntie Laura that the boys sported to their 4 month pedi appt. It's the 1st time we have had 3 healthy boys at the Dr together since their 1st PT/OT appt in March, it felt great! Look how long and lean Evan looks, I am sure he will chub back out in no time.

Filling up the exam room!
Waiting to see the Dr after our growth measurements were taken:

Evan: 11lb 3oz (down 6oz since he was weighed 5/19) and 23 3/4" long
Payton: 12lb 1oz and 23 1/2" long (I am thinking this might be off, it was a big growth jump)
Riley: 12lb .5oz and 23 1/4" long

All the boys are now on the growth chart for height and weight for their actual age!! That's great news! They all took the shots like champs and just needed a dose of tylenol later in the day. We told Dr. MP that the new reflux meds aren't making much of a difference yet but agreed to wait another week and see what happens before going back to the drawing board. (PLEASE work, PLEASE work!!! Mom and Dad can not take much more fussy/refusing eating, there really is nothing more frustrating, especially when we already feel like we are hanging on by a string with all of the changes going on preparing to sell our house and move, YIKES!! all while caring for 3 4 almost healthy boys!)
It gets pretty cozy in here....
E has great eye contact!

So does R!
P is still working on it! We have questioned his vision lately or whether he is just still maturing slowly compared to his brothers? I wonder if it has anything to do with him getting shorted from my placenta by only having a 2 vessel cord? Or possibly all the complications he had in the NICU? I hope it's nothing more :(

Now that's a good pediatrician!!!

We are going to miss Dr. McPhee SOOOOOO much! I love this picture.

We don't have plans for the long wknd (like that means anything to us right now, ha!) But I hope we can get out of the house at some point, just need to figure out something to do. We have been packing boxes and trying to figure out all that is left to do in between baby feeds. We are looking forward to a date night (with help from a couple fellow triplet moms!) really soon! We are going to be sure to get out and use it as a time to nap :)
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  1. Would love to see you this weekend!

  2. Just wanted to send a quick note about the vision thing... Our little girl (I only had one) was born March 3rd with a genetic eye defect called a Coloboma so we are very aware of her vision "progress." she does not track objects at all but after a trip to OHSU Casey Eye Institue, they tell us she will likely have vision. They told us it is very hard to determine vision now as some kids are slower than others. Olive also had a 2 vessel cord... Hopefully everything will work out just fine for you all:-)
