
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, May 26, 2011

REFLUX!!!!! Boo!!!

On top of nurturing Evan back to good health we have had a rough week full of nasty reflux with the other boys. (not sure if reflux is bothering E too, he has so much going on!) I will list a bunch of updates and attempt to get my scattered thoughts together below- sorry if it's garbled!

Simply Thick: The FDA came over and took samples and a statement from us. They said our neonate Drs alerted the FDA after a 2nd baby developed NEC later in age than normal who was also on Simply Thick. They then alerted a national board of neonatologists and the numbers keep raising of cases just like Evan's over the last 6 months, last I heard it was up to 30 something. We have been consulting with a lawyer and a lawyer friend from back home is helping us make sense of it all as well. I received a letter directly from Simply Thick yesterday recalling their product and asking for it not to be used on preemies (I don't think it should be used on any age infant!!) but an official recall from the FDA has not yet been announced to my knowledge. They are testing it for contaminants or what other property of it could be linked to the cause of NEC. I am sure this is going to be a long battle, but we won't give up!

Reflux: P and R have become terrible eaters over the last couple weeks. They have been refusing their reflux meds and spitting it out everywhere so we finally linked their lack of interest in eating to them not getting enough meds- duh!! Ben and I were about to (ok, we did crack) crack, our ears have been bleeding with all of the screaming and discomfort. We have now switched from prilosec to zantac and I think they are starting to improve- AMEN!!! Reflux is no joke, and when it is x3, it is unbearable. We take all 3 in for their 4 month check-up this Friday, can't wait to see our pedi and see how much they have grown! (we know it may not be the best weight jump since they haven't been eating great, but I think Dr. MP will be surprised to see how they have matured ;0 we are going to mis her!!!! (more on that below) )

Evan: Our new skinny-mini :( I will have to post some pics so you can see the difference. He is not withering away, I am just use to a chunky monkey. After only having pedialyte before and for days after his surgery the little guy got hooked on it. He is refusing formula, especially since he has to be on pregestimil which smells (and tastes) like cat food or litter or something nasty like that. We are mixing it with pedialyte now and trying to ween him down- tough process though. His incisions on his belly are healing nicely and he really enjoyed his first full bath in long time yesterday :) He still needs lots of tylenol and needs to be held and comforted for a majority of the day. Thank goodness uncle D is here and also the ANGEL we have been blessed with 3 days a week from Renaissance Doula, she is such a blessing to us. We will miss her the upcoming days as she attends to personal matter and her family is in our prayers. We love you, D! One of the worst parts of Evan's recovery is the diaper rash; as much as we tried to prevent it- it came! (**E: for Lee's upcoming surgery make sure you use TONS of diaper cream, more than you think is needed. Also, really coat his little man-sac, they didn't tell us that and we didn't think to and now it is raw :( good luck with your takedown surgery, and yay for no more poopy-bags!!! We will be praying for Lee).

The next stage: I don't think I have mentioned on here (only fb) that we are moving back home to Minot in a few weeks. Ben has not found work out here and got a great job offer that is relocating us back. We realized, very quickly, that help from family is invaluable during these early years, especially if Evan continues to have medical issues. We have hung on by a string these last few months and feel at ease with our decision to move for many reasons now, although it was a very hard decision to make. We have loved living in the PNW and may come back one day, I am most sad about leaving a job that I love, working for a company that I believe in, if we make our way back here- I hope they will have me back :) Ben is going to be working for the hospital's IT team and is really excited about this opportunity. I am going to have an initial phone interview this Friday, we will see what is out there for me :) I have been in talks with a nanny prospect back home, small world as I know her family and I am hoping it works out! Brody is really excited to be closer to some of his grand parents, aunts/uncles and cousin Drey! Ben and I are very happy to be closer to some family and can't wait to see some good friends too!

Evan and I waiting for him to be taken back for his takedown surgery- happy day!!

A couple pics of the boys home together before Evan's last surgery. Aren't the blankets the cutest? My sis Becky made these and matching burp clothes for the boys! She did a great job :)


  1. Thanks for the heads up on diaper rash! I think i'm more nervous about that than the actual surgery! One more week...:)
    At one time Lee was on projestimil.OMG--you are right, the smell is awful! like rotten potatoes. Since he wouldn't eat it (I mean, who would want to really?), they switched him to Elecare (another easily digested formula). And he gets vanilla flavored because he's spoiled rotten. ;)
    Good luck with the move and getting over reflux!

  2. Been following your journey! Sounds like you guys have your hands full! My boy's (twins) love to look at all your pictures and this morning one of them said "yeesh, she must have a busy job!" Good luck to you guys with everything! Lots of prayers for healthy reports!! Take care, Kristi Reinke
