
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, May 6, 2011

Random acts of kindness

We have been blessed by so many friends and family members sending us food, gift cards, gifts of money (sometimes many times over- thank you!!!), doula care, etc. I am still not caught up with thank you cards, and to tell you the truth I am getting confused as to if I have sent a card or not at times- so my apologies if I miss or double send for sure!! We were delivered 4 cases of diapers on our doorstep step today, that's 1,000 diapers! (thanks OH!!) And yep, that may get us through a whole month...hopefully! We also got another email for some credit (Thanks SB! and A&K!!) thank you thank you thank you ALL!!!! I really needed it today after my mini breakdown I had with a nurse treatment room RN on the phone today (it ended a little something like: "that's ok, just forget it. I will just take my 3 preemie babies one who was just discharged from the hospital to every clinic in town to get the care they need because "you don't know". click.)

Life continues to be an "adventure" :) At times when all 3 babies and a toddler are crying for our attention and we don't have an extra arm to give we question our parenting ability but somehow, someway, we find a way to work it out (HUGE props to you triplet moms with hubby's back at work- seriously, you are my idols). Our days are crazier than ever with all 3 at home and Evan's extra medical cares definitely add another level of complexity, but we wouldn't wish it any other way (ok maybe that we lived in a house that could hold a live-in nanny so the baby to adult ratio was even, but we already won the lottery once with these boys- we can't expect to win it again!) We have not seen any major medical improvements with Evan since we came home, but mentally he is in a much better place. He is cooing and smiling at us in between the doses of meds and difficult bottle/tube feeds. We had an 8:30am peds appt today and I had 3 full outfit changes and 2 total ostomy bag changes (not just emptying the bag, I'm talking 2 bag removals, skin cleaning, skin prepping, bag prepping, adhering and sealing of a bag...twice!!! He's got such a strong tummy and a bit of a hernia that he can break the seal and before you know it there is yellow everywhere!!) on Evan alone before 8am! I need to find the time one of these days to document our day for you- it will make you tired just reading it. When all the boys were healthy we got lax about writing down feeds/diapers but now that numerous meds are involved, different formula, tube feedings, etc, we have to write down everything to even have a chance at reporting the correct information back to the pediatrician or surgeon when they ask about urine/stool/vomit/feeds, yikes!, it's time for some dinner! (thanks EH!)

There are so many times during the day when I find myself thinking "this would be great to share on the blog" for various reasons to (to keep family up to date, to help out another family, just for fun, to VENT, etc) but so many of those thoughts are lost by the time I sit down at the computer (with a baby strapped to my chest), I guess I better start writing my thoughts down too!

Many people have asked how I am doing with the milk supply....well, they are all officially on formula now. I had to erase the sad face I just typed- I fed 3 boys pure breast milk for their 1st 30 days! and then I supplemented a portion with formula for the next 60! not too shabby! I didn't think the "stress diet" would be so extreme that my milk supply would dry up like the Sahara desert (that's what being a parent advocate will do to a nursing mama) but I also didn't expect to squeeze into my rock and republic jeans this early either, that's right- it was a good feeling this morning. (and I still have them on! I didn't have the urge to switch to yoga pants the minute I got home from appts, ha!)


  1. We are so happy that you are all finally home as a family under one roof again! Hopefully this summer we can meet up and see you again! We love following your blog and you are both amazing!

  2. I think we all know who the heroes are here (B,B,& E). Amen to no more pumping you have enough to deal with! And Amen to free diapers, keep em' coming people!

    Pitts Trips

  3. I just asked about your baby boys,and was told to look at your blog. Golly my goodness,how are you and hubby doing? As you are finding out the hard way that infants are so resilient the first few months,as I don't think fear has entered their beautiful lives, and I pray it never does. All I can offer you Brooke & your wonderful family is prayer. We are moving back to Portland early June,life is too hard here. Stay strong as all 5 of your boys need you healthy...ElaineSartain
