
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, May 11, 2012


 We had a much better morning today :)
 "CHEEEEESE"!!! I pulled out the camera this morning to capture these cuties and Evan said "cheese" with every picture. It was ADORABLE!! I didn't even say it boys are getting so big!!
 Evan, Riley and Payton brightening our Friday morning :)
 Evan still saying "cheese" and Riley going after P's paci...
 P wants it back!!
 Riley was not giving in! Poor P took a foot to the face :(
 "cheeeeese" it!
 Brody and Robbie Robin! He got take RR home for the weekend since he listened and obeyed the best, for the entire time, at pre-school on Thursday. So proud of our boy! RR also creates "homework" for the parents as we have to make diary entries into his journal about his adventures with do you think the S%*t story will go over??
 Riley can be relentless at times....
He means well and Payton really was laughing :)

Sidenote: I did get multiple comments on here, facebook, phone calls, and through email about our brown adventure last night. I am glad I made so many of you laugh. Thanks for the love. There was more big diapers today, but better. I also noticed 2 new molars in Riley's mouth which explains the not wanting to eat, runny poo and fussiness. Hopefully the worst is over!

1 comment:

  1. Brooke, Im so sorry about the code brown incident the other night. I felt so bad for you and Ben. I wish I would have been there to help. But I have to admit that your storytelling is really good so I did have a good laugh. Tell Brody that Cousin Katie is so proud of him for being so well behaved in preschool. He is the most respectful and nice little boy I have ever known. TTYL
