
Our life with a toddler and identical triplet boys!

Life with Big Big Brother and Identical Triplet Boys!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I woke up this morning and posted on Facebook "What to do today??" and I got 2 responses- "relax!" and "nothing!!" It's hard to do either of those when you have 4 boys that have been missing you all week long! I took the advice though and did sneak in a 60 minute nap during the family nap-time at 2pm :)

Here is a cliff note version of our Saturday: Wake up at 6am, make coffee (very important!) and get the milk sippies ready while catching a few minutes of the news before getting the boys out of bed at 6:45am. Milk and Mickey lasts for about 20minutes before we start pulling out crates of toys. At about 8:15 we give the boys breakfast and then play some more before naptime at 9am. During the morning 1.5 hr nap we shower, entertain B, make Ben's eggs/bacon, hang a few pictures, water some flowers, and prepare for our next phase. The boys wake up and we change them all and load up the diaper bag with snacks and water. Play for awhile and then corral everyone into the van for a few hours out of the house. Today we went to SE Portland for lunch and window shopping on Hawthorne. We made it home before the 2pm nap so we played in the backyard for a bit. Once all 4 boys were sleeping Ben and I snuck in a snooze on the couch as well :) By 4:30pm they were all changed and ready for a wagon ride to Grant Park. We conquered the play structures and swings today- Brody said he made 2 new friends as well. The triplets have no fear and even went down the BIG slides all by themselves. It was warm outside and we weren't prepared for the water fountains so we made it home by 6pm and had dinner in the backyard, followed by the snacks I packed for the park and they never ate. We then stripped them down and turned on the sprinkler. That's always pretty funny because Riley always completely freezes when he gets wet and doesn't all. Evan loved it and P was indifferent. Brody, picky as he is, couldn't really let loose because he was too worried about being in his underwear and not his swim trunks- so funny how my parenting has changed from when we only had one!! We got the boys dried off and inside for some bedtime milk and diaper/PJ changes. I was too wiped by this point to think about making an adult dinner, so I sent Ben to pick up some Thai while I got the boys down.

And that's our relaxing Saturday :) At least for the next ??? years!!


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